If you want your website to rank higher, you need to keep your content updated regularly.
According to a recent leak, Google considers content “fresh” if around 30% of it is updated. But quality also matters! Updating your content just for the sake of it won’t help if the updates don’t align with the topic or your audience’s needs.
Do the following steps regularly in order to maintain the relevancy of your website:
How often you update your content largely depends on the industry you’re in and the topic you’re writing about.
If you want to stay competitive in Google’s search results, you need check what your competitors are doing:
The third step in this process is what SEOs call calculating the “freshness distance”, a concept coined by Ross Hudgens, and it gives you an idea of how frequently you need to update your content in order to rank well for a specific term.
The only problem with this is that manually scrolling through the results, noting the dates down, figuring out which the newest and oldest pages are, and doing math is annoying, especially if you need to do it for a number of search terms.
This is why I built a free tool to do it all for you. It’s called the Freshness Distance Calculator, and it makes ranking your pages organically infinitely easier. Plus, it looks rad if I do say so myself 🔥 Check it out:
P.S. Try using the Konami code on the Freshness Distance Calculator page. You’re welcome.