Local Insider

Google Business Profiles, Local Insider, Local SEO, On-Page SEO, Whitespark Weekly

Rank All Over Your City With This Strategy (Major Competitive Advantage)

There's an incredibly valuable local ranking strategy that can get you ranking in a wide radius in your city for your most valuable keyword. And the…

Google Business Profiles, Local Insider, Local SEO, Whitespark Weekly

Easily Boost Local Rankings with Google’s Predefined Services

A few weeks ago, the SEO world was shooketh by Joy Hawkins' discovery that adding predefined services to your GBP significantly improves rankings. I had to…

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Google Business Profiles, Local Insider, Local SEO, Whitespark Weekly

How To Do Google Posts the RIGHT Way

Most businesses are doing Google Posts all wrong. They treat their Google Business Profile like a social media profile, but it is NOT. GBP is the…

Google Business Profiles, Local Insider, Local SEO, Whitespark Weekly

Geotagging Photos is a Local SEO Myth

It's infuriating that many local SEOs are still telling people to geotag their Google Business Profile photos, when research has shown time and time again that…

Local Insider, Local SEO, On-Page SEO, Whitespark Weekly

Does Google Penalize AI-Generated Content?

With the rise of AI, many businesses and SEOs are turning to Artificial Intelligence for generating SEO-optimized website content. However, Google is constantly rolling out new…

Google Business Profiles, Local Insider, Whitespark Weekly

Interesting Case Study on Service Areas

I WAS WRONG 😞 The conclusions I came to in this video & post are INCORRECT. It wasn't the service areas impacting the rankings. Take a…